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Edit Sound & Color
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
52098930 FFFFFFFF
020438A4 00000000
D0000000 00000000
927FFFA8 FBFF0000
923FDF08 FF0F00F0
A4000130 FF0F00F0
D9000000 020438A4
94000130 FFEF0000
D4000000 00000001
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
D0000000 00000000
D6000000 020438A4
D2000000 00000000
D3000000 04000130
F23FDF08 00000002
D2000000 00000000
This code changes your color, and it's easy
Too! Just hold down X and press left or right
On the control pad! Am I going too fast for ya?
12104590 00000000
1223d509 00000077
1321466b 00000770
C2000000 00000000
6000001f 0228e628
00000000 0228e628
This code makes all
Sounds high pitched
An a little annoying,
But the music is kinda
Cool in different levels.
Hope this helps, because I'm not
Telling you again. BYE
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 21st Aug 2008 | id number: 8901
Author: Kekkaishi=Shaymin | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Level Modifier Codes
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Bogus Report:
Change Sky
0257e214 XXXXXXXX
D2000000 00000000
X= Random number
Why? It all comes out the same.
No texture, It's al creamy colored.
02053465 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Everything is all wierd, even Mario!
02044758 00001000
D2000000 00000000
See ya later!
I... Won't really SEE ya.
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 21st Aug 2008 | id number: 8900
Author: Kekkaishi=Shaymin | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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The God code
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
I think it would be like this I take the kredit but mostly for adrianmarti
6209B450 00000000
B209B450 00000000
200006A0 0000001C
D2000000 00000000
927fffa8 fbff0000
823fdff8 fbff0000
Da000000 023fdffa
D4000000 00000001
D7000000 023fdffa
D2000000 00000000
D3000000 027fffa8
F23fdff8 00000002
D2000000 00000000
923fdffa fffe0000
02037e7c e2000020
D0000000 00000000
923fdffa fffe0001
02037e7c e2000000
D0000000 00000000
Press x to activate the walk on water the enemies wont hurt u
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Above submission added on: 25th Jul 2008 | id number: 8536
Author: aimdacheater | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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A few codes that I made
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
Worthless: Most silver stars are... Replaced by a surprise!!!
12104464 00000450
D2000000 00000000
No cannons:
1210444B 0000045E
D2000000 00000000
Stuck in Test Map 2:
020988A4 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Bob-omb battlefield X2: (even MORE bob-ombs!!! Goombas are only located in Tiny huge island.)
12104406 0000040E
D2000000 00000000
Small as a flea:
62094A90 00030000
B2094A90 00000000
10000080 00000000
10000084 00000000
10000088 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 13th Jun 2008 | id number: 7894
Author: giratina493 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
If you want to start out anywhere in the game
94000130 FFFB0000
020988A4 000000XX
D2000000 00000000
XX= The number of the stage wanted "02=inside the castle"
Hint:00 and 29 are the famous stages.
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 3rd Jun 2008 | id number: 7774
Author: Kekkaishi=Shaymin | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
Hey, Do you have the New Super Mario bros. Game? Well, theres the code for custom sizes. This code works the same way.
The Code...
62094A90 00000000
B2094A90 00000000
10000080 0000XXXX Height
10000084 0000XXXX Depth
10000088 0000XXXX Width
I hope this helps you, oh and the way the code would make all the dimensions equal is if you make all the XXXXs equal numbers.
62094A90 00000000
B2094A90 00000000
10000080 00000050
10000084 00000550
10000088 00000550
This code makes you small but
Keeps you small but your features
Perfect. All right. See you around.
:-( I... Wont... Really see you. ....
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Above submission added on: 3rd Jun 2008 | id number: 7773
Author: Kekkaishi=Shaymin | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Scary Wario Robo
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
Hey I'm new here so there could be one or two mispellings. This code will make you look like a giant robot. Before using the code change the character to Yoshi. Turn it on and put these codes in:
1.Giant sized
62094A90 00000000
B2094A90 00000000
10000080 00003000
10000084 00003000
10000088 00003000
D2000000 00000000
2.Wario's metal Power*
920966DA 00000000
94000130 000001F7
62094AA8 00000000
B2094AA8 00000000
1000065E 000003FF
D2000000 00000000
920966DA 00000000
94000130 000001F7
62094AA8 00000000
B2094AA8 00000000
200006A9 00000001
D2000000 00000000
920966DA 00000000
94000130 000001F7
62094AA8 00000000
B2094AA8 00000000
200006AA 00000001
D2000000 00000000
3.Yoshi's Fire power**
62094A90 00000000
B2094A90 00000000
100006BE 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000
*To Activate the metal power with any character you need to press L+START
**To activate the fire power with Yoshi ONLY, you can press A. You can use it forever, but not as Mario,Luigi, or Wario.
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 14th May 2008 | id number: 7586
Author: Kekkaishi=Shaymin | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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play as mario and clone mario or mario and luigi etc
Verified by: Unverified
Bogus Report: Ben AR hackist
Ok heres the clone code
020973e4 0000000X-X is 1-9 how meny clones you want
D2000000 00000000
Ok to play with mario and luigi, luigi and wario, etc go to any level as mario, luigi, wario, or yoshi then have you or the clone get a mario, luigi, or wario cap and there you have it you can now play as mario and luigi, luigi and wario, etc
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 13th May 2008 | id number: 7569
Author: goldenmario | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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alternate play as any character in final bowser level
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
This is very simple,use moon jump in the clock/rainbow ride room to jump over the star door but don't fall onto the stairs,go to the side of where the stairs are,the camera glitches/auto-turns,so you have to keep pressing L to make it up there,then finally when you reach the side of the top of the stairs,land right where the hole is!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 20th Apr 2008 | id number: 7307
Author: Ben AR hackist | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Play as any character in the final battle against Bowser with an
Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
Only Mario can get up the stairs to the last battle with Bowser, and you must have a certain amount of stars to get up there. Well, not any more! Have the "run at bullet speed" code on. Go into the room that leads you to the third and last battle with Bowser. Run up the stairs, and then run in the stair's corner (either side). Then your "run at bullet speed" code starts to work. Stay in the corner while running at "bullet speed" and repeatedly jump. Then your character will be at the top of the stairs!
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 13th Nov 2007 | id number: 5431
Author: Code Tamer | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
I guess this is a action replay code. You mix these codes to do it:
Moon jump, Infinite, and go to a place with lava and go on it then once you see lava on your character hold down A and it looks like a rocket.
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Above submission added on: 30th Aug 2007 | id number: 4665
Author: aRcEuS86 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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Verified by: unverified
Bogus Report:
This is the Eropean action replay codes for super mario 64 DS these work 100% without fail (i always try before I post the codes up)
Here they are:
Infinite health
1211117c 00000008
12092144 00000880
Infinite lives
0209f2f4 00000063
99 coins
0209f358 00000064
Never get hurt:
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
200006a0 0000001c
D2000000 00000000
Press B to jump high
9209d51c fffd0002
0217e2e0 00019b23
D0000000 00000000
9209d51c fffd0002
02188ae0 00019b23
D0000000 00000000
Slow falling (hold Y)
9209d51c f7ff0800
0217e2e0 ffffc000
D0000000 00000000
9209d51c f7ff0800
02188ae0 ffffc000
D0000000 00000000
2D Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000088 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Stretched Out Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000088 00006000
D2000000 00000000
Big character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00003000
10000084 00003000
10000088 00003000
D2000000 00000000
Giant character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00004000
10000084 00004000
10000088 00004000
D2000000 00000000
Mini Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00000800
10000084 00000800
10000088 00000800
D2000000 00000000
Invisible Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00000010
10000084 00000010
10000088 00000010
D2000000 00000000
Big and 2D Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00004000
10000084 00004000
10000088 00004000
D2000000 00000000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000088 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Giant and 2D Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00004000
10000084 00004000
10000088 00004000
D2000000 00000000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000088 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Mini and 2D Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00000800
10000084 00000800
10000088 00000800
D2000000 00000000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000088 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Stick Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00000100
10000088 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Squished Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000084 00000100
D2000000 00000000
Freakin' Huge Character
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
10000080 00006000
10000084 00006000
10000088 00006000
D2000000 00000000
Test Map 1 (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000029
D2000000 00000000
Test Map 2 (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Starting Area (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000001
D2000000 00000000
Foyer (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000002
D2000000 00000000
Basement (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000004
D2000000 00000000
Upstairs (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000005
D2000000 00000000
Bob-omb Battlefield (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Whomp's Fortress (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000007
D2000000 00000000
Cool, Cool Mountain (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000000a
D2000000 00000000
Jolly Roger Bay (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000008
D2000000 00000000
Big Boo's Haunt (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000000c
D2000000 00000000
Hazy Maze Cave (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000000d
D2000000 00000000
Lethal Lava Land (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000000e
D2000000 00000000
Shifting Sand Land (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000010
D2000000 00000000
Dire, Dire Docks (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000012
D2000000 00000000
Snowman's Land (Press Select while loading a save
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000013
D2000000 00000000
Wet-Dry World (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000015
D2000000 00000000
Tall, Tall Mountain (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000016
D2000000 00000000
Tiny-Huge Island - Tiny Island (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000018
D2000000 00000000
Tiny-Huge Island - Huge Island (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000019
D2000000 00000000
Tick Tock Clock (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000001b
D2000000 00000000
Rainbow Road (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000001c
D2000000 00000000
Bowser in the Dark World (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000023
D2000000 00000000
Bowser in the Fire Sea (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000025
D2000000 00000000
Bowser in the Sky (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000027
D2000000 00000000
The Secret of Battle Fort (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000002a
D2000000 00000000
Sunshine Isles (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000002b
D2000000 00000000
Goomboss Battle - Level (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000002c
D2000000 00000000
Big Boo Battle - Level (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 0000002e
D2000000 00000000
Chief Chilly Challenge (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000030
D2000000 00000000
Rec Room (Press Select while loading a save)
94000130 fffb0000
0209f2f8 00000032
D2000000 00000000
Faster (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
00000098 0006ffff
D2000000 00000000
Fastest (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
00000098 0030ffff
D2000000 00000000
Speed of Lightning (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
00000098 0200ffff
D2000000 00000000
Speed of Sound (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
00000098 0600ffff
D2000000 00000000
Speed of Light (L+Up)
94000130 fdbf0000
6209b450 00000000
B209b450 00000000
00000098 1000ffff
D2000000 00000000
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 19th Jul 2007 | id number: 3896
Author: LINKSAPPRENTICE | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus
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5 silver stars
02098950 00000005
020989bc 02020203
if this glitches your game change the code to
02098950 00000000
020989bc 00000000
to disable it.
play as bowser:121043E8 00000117
020988a4 00000028
D2000000 00000000 note you need control codes to control bowser or it will be like there is a pic of bowser!
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Super Mario 64 DS AR codes
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November 24th, 2007, 03:46 #1
DCEmu Newbie
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 13
Casino cash: $370 Super Mario 64 DS AR codes
Finally, after several months, I have finally made character codes!!! I did it on my own, without a Trainer Toolkit. I used the Debug screen.
Make sure this code is on or you won't be able to control the character:
52098930 FFFFFFFF
02044174 FFFFFFFF
42044174 FFFFFFFF
02044174 00000000
D0000000 00000000
927FFFA8 FBFF0000
923FDF08 FF0F00F0
A4000130 FF0F00F0
D9000000 02044174
94000130 FFEF0000
D4000000 00000001
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
D0000000 00000000
D6000000 02044174
D2000000 00000000
D3000000 04000130
F23FDF08 00000002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBF0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000014
D4000000 FFFFF000
D6000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7F0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000014
D4000000 00000F00
D6000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFD0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00004000
D6000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFE0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 FFFFB000
D6000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000B9
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000002
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000BA
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000033
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000117
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000028
D2000000 00000000
Flower Enemy:
021028F4 00000138
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000A
D2000000 00000000
Monty Mole:
021028F4 00000136
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
Pyro Spitter:
021028F4 0000010E
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000010
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 0000010C
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000016
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000109
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000015
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000106
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000105
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000A
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000104
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000015
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 00000101
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000A
D2000000 00000000
Baby Penguin:
021028F4 00000100
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000A
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000D
D2000000 00000000
Piranha Plant:
021028F4 000000FA
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000007
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000EF
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Flipper Enemy:
021028F4 000000EE
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000015
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000ED
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000D
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000EC
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000D
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000A1
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000007
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000A4
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000007
D2000000 00000000
King Thwomp:
021028F4 000000A5
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000007
D2000000 00000000
Red Bob-Omb:
021028F4 000000B5
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Koopa The Quick:
021028F4 000000BC
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Big Bob-Omb:
021028F4 000000BD
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Purple Bob-Omb:
021028F4 000000BE
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000C8
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000C7
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000002D
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000CB
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000CE
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000006
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000D1
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
Big Boo:
021028F4 000000D2
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000D7
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000E
D2000000 00000000
Big Bully:
021028F4 000000D8
D2000000 00000000
02097360 0000000E
D2000000 00000000
Ice Bully:
021028F4 000000D9
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000013
D2000000 00000000
Bullet Bill:
021028F4 000000DE
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000007
D2000000 00000000
021028F4 000000E1
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000012
D2000000 00000000
Manta Ray:
021028F4 000000E2
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000012
D2000000 00000000
Cheep Cheep:
021028F4 000000E3
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000012
D2000000 00000000
Big Cheep Cheep:
021028F4 000000E4
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000018
Water Bug:
021028F4 000000E6
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000015
D2000000 00000000
Cloud Enemy:
021028F4 000000E7
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000016
D2000000 00000000
Fly Guy:
021028F4 000000E8
D2000000 00000000
02097360 00000016
D2000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
I included a level mod in each because the characters only work in certain levels.
And please give credit to me if you are going to share them.
November 24th, 2007, 04:21 #2
The Gaming Wolf
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: at my house?
Posts: 1,090
Casino cash: $1926
...wow this is really awesome... great job!
Which FF Character Are You?
Quote:Originally Posted by MARTINSTATIC
The day when I can play gta vcs on wii, and load psx games thru my Wii I will upload a video of me pouring coca cola down my pc monitor. That is a promise, you can take a screenshot of this post and use it as referance against me if you want.
December 2nd, 2007, 19:57 #3
DCEmu Newbie
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 13
Casino cash: $370
And I updated the controls for the character codes just recently!
(Mostly for objects or character who can't move)
94000130 FFFD0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00004000
D6000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFE0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 FFFFD000
D6000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7F0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000014
D4000000 00001500
D6000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBF0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 00000014
D6000000 00000014
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEF0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 0000000C
D4000000 00001500
D6000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
62093568 00000000
B2093568 00000000
D9000000 0000000C
D6000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
Left: Slides left
Right: Slides right
Up: Sildes forward
Down: Slides back
B: Goes up
A: Goes down
(Used for enemies that can normally walk/jump/run)
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 00005000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 00005000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 00005000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 00005000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFD0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
100000AB 00000001
D2000000 00000000
927FFFA8 F7FF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
00000098 0001A000
D2000000 00000000
Left: Walk left
Right: Walk right
Up: Walk forward
Down: Walk Back
Tap B: Jump
Hold B: Moon jump
Hold Y: Run
(Makes most things face up/down/left/right)
94000130 FF7F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 00000010
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 00000093
D4000000 00000010
D6000000 00000094
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 44444444
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 44444444
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 77778000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 80000000
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 BBBBBBBB
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
Left: Face left
Right: Face right
Up: Face forward
Down: Face back
(Makes most things face diagonally)
94000130 FF6F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 22222222
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF6F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093350 00000000
10000094 22222222
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF9F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 99999999
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF9F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 99999999
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF5F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF5F0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 DDDDDDDD
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFAF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
D9000000 0000008B
D4000000 66666666
D6000000 0000008C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFAF0000
62093550 00000000
B2093550 00000000
10000094 66666666
D2000000 00000000
Left+Up: Face forward left
Left+Down: Face backward left
Right+Up: Face forward right
Right+Down: Face backward right
*The characters will not always go the direction you are pressing. This is because they have no exact control. Don't worry about it.
*Most of the time you will always have the Direction codes on.
*Sometimes, certain characters face the incorrect way. Turn off the direction codes when this happens.
*Depending on which character you are using, you will use different movements
January 13th, 2008, 00:59 #4
DCEmu Newbie
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1
Casino cash: $250 Help!
hey, do you think you could make those codes (just the character mod's like Bowser, Peach, Goomba ect...) for version 1.1? i would REALLY appreciate that! thnx!
January 27th, 2008, 19:19 #5
Nintendo Wii User
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: You know... That place.
Posts: 33
Casino cash: $0
:O This is simply outstanding. Congratulations, and, on a higher scale; thanks very much!
June 3rd, 2008, 16:09 #6
DCEmu Newbie
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Posts: 1
Casino cash: $10
June 4th, 2008, 01:57 #7
waffle 10100
DCEmu Newbie
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 3
Casino cash: $265
what big codes..........great work
June 20th, 2008, 23:17 #8
DCEmu Newbie
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 5
Casino cash: $35
finnaly i can beat up my friends while being bowser! thanks alot. may the hacking gods look after you
Tags: codes, mario, super
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who knows me? - Super Mario 64 DS Questions for Nintendo DS @ CheatsGuru.Com
Super Mario 64 DS Q&A [ NDS ]
who knows me?
im from dsu. i make a ton of codes for v1.1 i am famous-ish to the action replay community. my name starts with a d. i made these codes (ive made 100 others now but i dont want to put them down for it will take all day. im really good at this i hope you can tell)
Super Mario 64 DS V1.1
ASME f486f859
2008/6/01 8:33
Change texture
Hold X and press left or right
52098930 fff
020438a4 fff
d000 fff
420438a4 fff
020438a4 000
d000 000
927fffa8 fbff0000
923fdf08 ff0f00f0
a4000130 ff0f00f0
d9000 020438a4
94000130 ffef0000
d4000 0001
d000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
d4000 fff
d000 000
d6000 020438a4
d2000 000
d3000 04000130
f23fdf08 0002
d2000 000
multi character
change the last 2 values from 2-c for clones. works everywhere
02098864 0004
d2000 000
haze terrain
will kill you after a while
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
20000650 0001d
d2000 000
extend yoshi's toungue
will work at extra length
94000130 fffe0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
10000606 00030
d2000 000
Hyper Characters
Characters move fast
22015B38 0004 D2000 000
skip text
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
20000689 0001d
d2000 000
x to walk on water/hold to swim in the ground
927fffa8 fbff0000
823fdff8 fbff0000
da000 023fdffa
d4000 0001
d7000 023fdffa
d2000 000
d3000 027fffa8
f23fdff8 0002
d2000 000
923fdffa fffe0000
02036c10 e2000020
d000 000
923fdffa fffe0001
02036c10 e2000
d000 000
927fffa8 fbff0000
02036c10 e3a000ff
d2000 000
quicksand terrain
wont sink and die
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
2000068e 0005
ability mods
These give you certain abilities (dont work in courtyard(working on it)
lb for monkey bars
cant move around
94000130 01fd0000
0217fa28 0210713c
d2000 000
lb for luigi spin
94000130 01fd0000
0217fa28 02107574
d2000 000
start l to exit level
94000130 0001f7
0217fa28 0210734c
d2000 000
lb to wall jump anywhere
94000130 01fd0000
0217fa28 021074cc
d2000 000
start l to warp (may freeze)
94000130 0001f7
0217fa28 021073c4
d2000 000
y to bouce around(bouncing box)
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 021075a4
d2000 000
star+l for invisible shell
94000130 0001f7
0217fa28 02107424
d2000 000
y to be electric
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 021071e4
d2000 000
y to float an inch/fly with wing cap
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 02107334
d2000 000
y to be nitro character(flame coming out of butt(dosnt hurt)
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 021071fc
12090a00 000880
121082a4 0008
d2000 000
y to be wind blown
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 02107394
0217f760 00019b23
d2000 000
y to walk in air
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217fa28 02107394
0217f760 00019b23
d2000 000
character mods
movement 1 for objects that do move
must be on to move movable enemies
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 000
d2000 000
94000130 ffef0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 00005000
d2000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 00005000
d2000 000
94000130 ffbf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 00005000
d2000 000
94000130 ff7f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 00005000
d2000 000
94000130 fffd0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
1000ab 0001
d2000 000
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d2000 000
movement 2 for objects that dont move
needs to be on in order to move non moving objects
94000130 fffd0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 00004000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
94000130 fffe0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 ffffd000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
94000130 ff7f0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00014
d4000 00001500
d6000 00014
d2000 000
94000130 ffbf0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00014
d4000 ffffeaff
d6000 00014
d2000 000
94000130 ffef0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 000c
d4000 00001500
d6000 000c
d2000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 000c
d4000 ffffeaff
d6000 000c
d2000 000
face cardinal directions
needs to be on in order to travel directions
94000130 ff7f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 00010
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ff7f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 00093
d4000 00010
d6000 00094
d2000 000
94000130 ffef0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 444
d2000 000
94000130 ffef0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 444
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ffbf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 77778000
d2000 000
94000130 ffbf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 8000
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 bbb
d2000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 bbb
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
face diagnol
can be on to face diagnol
94000130 ff6f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 222
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ff6f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 222
d2000 000
94000130 ff9f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 999
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ff9f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 999
d2000 000
94000130 ff5f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 ddd
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ff5f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 ddd
d2000 000
94000130 ffaf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
d9000 0008b
d4000 666
d6000 0008c
d2000 000
94000130 ffaf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100094 666
d2000 000
play as chain chomp
121043e8 000db
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as star
121043e8 000b2
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as goomba
121043e8 000c8
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as peach
121043e8 000ba
020988a4 00033
d2000 000
play as toad
121043e8 000b9
020988a4 00033
d2000 000
play as koopa the quick
121043e8 000bc
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as big bombomb
121043e8 000bd
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as boo
121043e8 000d1
020988a4 000c
d2000 000
play as fish
121043e8 000158
020988a4 0001
d2000 000
play as coin
121043e8 000120
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as bullet bill
121043e8 000de
020988a4 0007
d2000 000
play as fly guy
121043e8 000e8
020988a4 00013
d2000 000
play as bully
121043e8 000d7
020988a4 000e
d2000 000
play as koopa
121043e8 000cb
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as skeeter (water spider)
121043e8 000e6
020988a4 00015
d2000 000
play as bomb buddy
121043e8 000b5
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
play as bomb
121043e8 000ce
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
power mods
start r for luigi's power
works on all characters but graphics dont show
920966da 000
94000130 0002f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
1000065e 0003ff
200006ab 0001
200006ac 0001
d2000 000
start r for wings
920966da 000
94000130 0002f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
1000065e 0003ff
d2000 000
920966da 000
94000130 0002f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
200006af 0001
d2000 000
920966da 000
94000130 0002f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
200006b0 0001
d2000 000
start+l for metal
920966da 000
94000130 0001f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
1000065e 0003ff
d2000 000
920966da 000
94000130 0001f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
200006a9 0001
d2000 000
920966da 000
94000130 0001f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
200006aa 0001
d2000 000
lrup for mushroom
94000130 fcbf0000
023fdff8 0001
d000 000
94000130 fc7f0000
023fdff8 000
d000 000
523fdff8 0001
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100080 00003000
100084 00003000
100088 00003000
d3000 000
b2094aa8 000
10000672 0008
200006b3 0001
d2000 000
Multiple Jumping
jump when you hit the ground
62094a90 000 B2094a90
000 200006DE 000
D2000 000
62094a90 000
B2094a90 000
200006F5 000
D2000 - 000
health meter=star
02097ce0 0a000
lr up to snow
freezes exiting level
94000130 fcbf0000
020988a4 00013
d2000 000codes>
odd barrier
traps you in a line
020525fc e1a000
jump up hill
92096b5c fffd0002
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d000 000
run up hills
just move
94000130 ff7f0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d2000 000
94000130 ffbf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d2000 000
94000130 ffef0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d2000 000
94000130 ffdf0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
00098 0001a000
d2000 000
all doors are star doors
even the boos mansion doors
1210437e 000162
12104380 000162
12104382 000162
12104384 000162
12104386 000162
12104388 000162
1210438a 000162
1210438c 000162
12104396 000162
12104398 000162
1210439a 000162
1210439c 000162
1210439e 000162
121043a0 000162
121043a2 000162
121043a4 000162
121043a6 000162
121043a8 000162
121043aa 000162
d2000 000
all doors are normal
1210437e 000161
12104380 000161
12104382 000161
12104384 000161
12104386 000161
12104388 000161
1210438a 000161
1210438c 000161
1210438e 000161
12104390 000161
12104392 000161
12104394 000161
12104396 000161
12104398 000161
1210439a 000161
1210439c 000161
1210439e 000161
121043a0 000161
121043a2 000161
121043a4 000161
121043a6 000161
121043a8 000161
121043aa 000161
touch screen image stretches
02098a10 0a000
minigame mods
mega poker score
0217b504 0fff
yoshi puzzle high score/level
0217b85c 000ff
0217b8c0 000ff
0217b8c8 000ff
0217fe58 000ff
0217fe60 000ff
shell toss high score
0217f880 0fff
0217f888 0fff
infinite snowball race time
0217fc38 0008e0
giant fast snowball
0217edfc 01fff
invisible fast snow ball
0217edfc fff
high score on wario number ball game
0217eba8 0fff
0217ebb0 0fff
retard mode
02094a30 fffc2
press x to fill multiplayer time
927fffa8 fbff0000
021789c8 00063
freeze race timer
0209fa58 000
character and right arrow off map
1209811c 000c0
1209811e 000
12098120 000
12098124 000c0
12098126 000
12098128 000
1209812c 000c0
1209812e 000
12098130 000
12098134 000c0
12098136 000
12098138 000
1209813c 000c0
1209813e 000
12098140 000
12098144 000c0
12098146 000
12098148 000
1209814c 000c0
1209814e 000
12098150 000
12098154 000c0
12098156 000
12098158 000
1209815c 000c0
1209815e 000
12098160 000
12098164 000c0
12098166 000
12098168 000
1209816c 000c0
12098170 000
12098174 000c0
12098176 000
12098178 000
1209817c 000c0
1209817e 000
12098180 000
12098184 000c0
12098186 000
12098188 000
1209818c 000c0
1209818e 000
12098190 000
12098194 000c0
12098196 000
12098198 000
d2000 000
press x to lose cap,talk to toad to get it back
927fffa8 fbff0000
120960e3 0000ffff
220960e7 000ff
press l to fall asleep
94000130 01ff0000
0217fd5c 000
squeaky voice
12104590 000
1223d509 00077
1321466b 000770
c2000 000
60001f 0228e628
000 0228e628
y+l to go through roof
94000130 fcff0100
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 00008000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
y+r to go through ground
94000130 fcff0200
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 ffffe000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
l+a right grow/r+a left shrink
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00080
d4000 0005
d6000 00080
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00084
d4000 0005
d6000 00084
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00088
d4000 0005
d6000 00088
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00080
d4000 fffb
d6000 00080
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00084
d4000 fffb
d6000 00084
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00088
d4000 fffb
d6000 00088
d2000 000
rocket jump
94000130 fffd0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
da000 0006a4
d5000 0005
d7000 0006a4
d2000 000
94000130 fffd0000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
da000 0006de
d5000 000
d7000 0006de
d2000 000
wire frame character
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
2000068e 0005
d2000 000
mario ghost pack
a mix of codes making mario like a ghost. figure it out.
94000130 fcbf0000
023fdff8 0001
d000 000
94000130 fc7f0000
023fdff8 000
d000 000
523fdff8 0001
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
100080 00003000
100084 00003000
100088 00003000
d3000 000
b2094aa8 000
10000672 0008
200006b3 0001
d2000 000
94000130 fcff0100
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 00008000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
94000130 fcff0200
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
d9000 00010
d4000 ffffe000
d6000 00010
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
200006f5 000f
d2000 000
94000130 fffe0000
020525f0 e5823004
d000 000
94000130 fdfd0000
020525f0 e1a000
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00080
d4000 0005
d6000 00080
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00084
d4000 0005
d6000 00084
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000 00088
d4000 0005
d6000 00088
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00080
d4000 fffb
d6000 00080
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00084
d4000 fffb
d6000 00084
d2000 000
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000 00088
d4000 fffb
d6000 00088
d2000 000
12090a00 000880
121082a4 0008
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 00019b23
d000 000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 00019b23
d000 000
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
1000065e 0000ffff
d2000 000
94000130 fcff0200
62094a90 000
b2094a90 000
121082a4 000800
120900a4 0008
200006a0 0001d
d2000 000
920966da 000
94000130 0002f7
62094aa8 000
b2094aa8 000
1000065e 0003ff
200006ab 0001
200006ac 0001
d2000 000
custom bomb battlefeild
thanks to mariowings
020988a4 0006
d2000 000
12104406 000fb
d2000 000
121043f6 00031
d2000 000
1210440e 000ca
d2000 000
1210443a 00013d
d2000 000
12104450 000be
d2000 000
12104432 00013c
d2000 000
12104402 000b5
d2000 000
12104458 00031
d2000 000
121043fc 000b5
d2000 000
12104480 000fd
d2000 000
1210443e 000bd
d2000 000
1210444e 00031
d2000 000
New Super Mario Bros.
A2DE 77dad131
2008/6/01 11:26
infinite fire balls
02129480 000
max points
0208b384 05f5e0ff
auto jump
221b6ae1 00020
221b6dad 00099
221b6af5 000
221b6ada 00050
221b6fae 0009
black mario
021b7590 f2345fa1
weird mario
021b7590 3f567901
freak mario
021b7590 f98c2134
normal(stays normal)
021b7590 00005600
fire mario
021b7590 00010000
021b7590 fff
blue fists
021b7590 12434fa1
white arms black pants
021b7590 000296b5
all white
021b7590 000396b5
021b7590 000496b5
black suit
021b7590 000996b5
hyper character
021b6cc8 000
always normal size
021b7184 01000
always fire mario
021b7184 02000
always huge mario
021b7184 03000
always mini mario
021b7184 04000
always shell mario
021b7184 05000
shadow mode
hold l to walk in air
021b7590 f2345fa1
021b7184 01000
94000130 01ff0000
021b7164 08002001
021b7168 08002001
d2000 000
ghost mode
l+b to fly
021b7590 000396b5
021b7184 01000
94000130 01ff0000
021b7164 08402021
021b7168 08402021
02087660 000818
121b757a 000fff
d000 000
021b758c 02010100
d2000 000
l to swim anywhere
94000130 01ff0000
021b7164 08402021
021b7168 08402021
l to walk in air
94000130 01ff0000
021b7164 08002001
021b7168 08002001
l to be on pole
94000130 01ff0000
021b7164 12081208
coins make 0 noise
02093220 000c0001
l to slow fall
94000130 01ff0000
121b7394 0004
d2000 000
l to not hold objects
if holding an object,press l,object will follow you levitating
94000130 01ff0000
021b7158 000
d2000 000
Posted: sep 15, 2008 4:36 pm
sorry some of the text is cut off. it probly is i cant have more than that same ...
sorry some of the text is cut off. it probly is i cant have more than that same number or
letter in a row. all the cut ones are that letter.
Posted: sep 15, 2008 4:38 pm
lostie call 000
wat r all da numbas for plz help me
iam so really desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so confusing :S
Repl7y soon
Posted: sep 22, 2008 6:04 am
the numbers are values in the game that allow you to do things you shouldnt
the numbers are values in the game that allow you to do things you shouldnt
Posted: sep 27, 2008 9:33 am
how do you type the numbers in?
please reply
Posted: sep 29, 2008 2:56 pm
what numbers that?
it's a code?
Posted: sep 30, 2008 5:20 pm
how do you type the code in for the cheats!my ds has no numbers!
Posted: oct 02, 2008 4:34 am
Super Mario 64 DS (ASMEN1J12 / 1J22)
There's alot of cool things you can do in this game. Do you want a preview? Watch this. Recorded by me, adrianmarti.
+"L+UP" To sprint
94000130 fdbf0000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
00000098 0003ffff
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
200006a0 0000001c
d2000000 00000000
+Infinite Lives
02098930 00000063
+Infinite Health
12090a00 00000880
121082a4 00000008
+Infinite Coins
02098998 00000064
+Press L+R+SELECT For 7 Red Coins
94000130 000000fb
1209894c 00000007
d0000000 00000000
9209894c 00000008
12098b4c 0000ff80
d0000000 00000000
+All 120 Course Stars
020960f4 ffffffff
020960f8 ffffffff
020960fc ffffffff
12096100 0000ffff
22096102 000000ff
+100 Coins Total for Every Course
12096112 00006464
02096114 64646464
02096118 64646464
0209611c 64646464
22096120 00000064
+All Castle Doors Unlocked
120960e4 0000ffff
220960e6 000000ff
+All Mini Games in Rec Room
02096128 ffffffff
+Mario, Luigi & Wario Never Lose Cap
220960e7 00000080
+Test Map 1 (Hold Select While Loading a Save)
Code by Parasyte.
94000130 fffb0000
020988a4 00000029
d2000000 00000000
+Test Map 2 (Hold Select While Loading a Save)
Code by Parasyte.
94000130 fffb0000
020988a4 00000000
d2000000 00000000
---Moon Jump Codes:---
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 00019b23
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 00019b23
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 00030000
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 00030000
d0000000 00000000
*Really Fast:
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 00050000
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 00050000
d0000000 00000000
*Super Fast:
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 000f0000
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 000f0000
d0000000 00000000
---Falling Speed Codes:---
*"Y" to slow falls:
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f760 ffffc000
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e380 ffffc000
d0000000 00000000
*Always slow falls (Hold "Y" for normal falls:
92096b5c 00000000
0217f760 00000000
d0000000 ffffffff
92096b5c 00000000
0216e380 00000000
d0000000 ffffffff
---CHARACTER MODIFIER (Walk Through a Door):---
+Hold L+R+UP to Play as Yoshi
94000130 000000bf
22096121 00000003
d0000000 00000000
+Hold L+R+LEFT to Play as Wario
94000130 000000df
22096121 00000002
d0000000 00000000
+Hold L+R+RIGHT to Play as Luigi
94000130 000000ef
22096121 00000001
d0000000 00000000
+Hold L+R+DOWN to Play as Mario
94000130 0000007f
22096121 00000000
d0000000 00000000
+Infinite Fire Flower Power Up Time
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
100006be 0000ffff
d2000000 00000000
+Infinite Feather Power Up Time
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 0000ffff
d2000000 00000000
+Yoshi: Press L for Flower Power (Fire)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000300
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
100006be 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000300
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
200006f4 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000300
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
20000713 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000300
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
20000714 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Wario: Press L for Flower Power (Metal)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000200
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000200
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006a9 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000200
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006aa 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Luigi: Press L for Flower Power (Invisibility)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000100
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000100
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006ab 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000100
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006ac 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Mario: Press L for Feather Power (Wings)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000000
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000000
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006af 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001ff
92096120 00000000
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006b0 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Any Character: Press START+R for Luigi Power Up (Invisiblity)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000002f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
200006ab 00000001
200006ac 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Any Character: Press START+R for Mario Power Up (Wings)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000002f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000002f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006af 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000002f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006b0 00000001
d2000000 00000000
+Any Character: Press START+L for Wario Power Up (Metal)
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
1000065e 000003ff
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006a9 00000001
d2000000 00000000
920966da 00000000
94000130 000001f7
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
200006aa 00000001
d2000000 00000000
*2D Character
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000088 00000100
d2000000 00000000
*Mini Character
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00000800
10000084 00000800
10000088 00000800
d2000000 00000000
*Stretched Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00001000
10000084 00002000
10000088 00001000
d2000000 00000000
*Pancake Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00001000
10000084 00000100
10000088 00001000
d2000000 00000000
*Paper Mario Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00000100
10000084 00001000
10000088 00001000
d2000000 00000000
*Micro Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00000200
10000084 00000200
10000088 00000200
d2000000 00000000
*Mini Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00000500
10000084 00000500
10000088 00000500
d2000000 00000000
*Small Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00000a00
10000084 00000a00
10000088 00000a00
d2000000 00000000
*Big Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00002000
10000084 00002000
10000088 00002000
d2000000 00000000
*Bigger Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00003000
10000084 00003000
10000088 00003000
d2000000 00000000
*Mega Mode
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00004000
10000084 00004000
10000088 00004000
d2000000 00000000
*Super Mega Mode
0217f738 00006000
0217f73c 00006000
0217f740 00006000
0217f738 00010000
0217f73c 00010000
0217f740 00010000
*Little Fish
0217f738 00000200
0217f73c 00000500
0217f740 00001500
0217f738 00000100
0217f73c 00030000
0217f740 00000100
*Super Wide
0217f738 00030000
0217f73c 00001000
0217f740 00001000
*Super High
0217f738 00001000
0217f73c 00030000
0217f740 00001000
*Super Deep
0217f738 00001000
0217f73c 00001000
0217f740 00030000
*WARNING: Earth Size!!!
0217f738 99999999
0217f73c 99999999
0217f740 99999999
HOLD the Y button to & RUN in any direction. Once you start running, the speed boost will kick in!
*Speed of Stone
4216e370 0001df00
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00030000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00000001
d2000000 00000000
*Speed of Snail
4216e370 0001df00
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00030000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00000100
d2000000 00000000
*Run Fast
4216e370 0001df00
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00030000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00030000
d2000000 00000000
*Run Really Fast
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00080000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00080000
d2000000 00000000
*Run Super Fast
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 000c0000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 000c0000
d2000000 00000000
*Run at Bullet Speed
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00100000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00100000
d2000000 00000000
*Run at Warp Speed
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00200000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00200000
d2000000 00000000
*Speed of Sound!
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00200000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 00500000
d2000000 00000000
*Speed of Light! (Warp out of bounds)
4216e370 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0216e370 00200000
d2000000 00000000
4217f750 0001d000
92096b5c f7ff0800
0217f750 99999999
d2000000 00000000
*Hover ("L+B" to active/"A" to deactive)
94000130 fffe0000
020525f0 e5823004
d0000000 00000000
94000130 fdfd0000
020525f0 e1a00000
d2000000 00000000
*Water everywhere!
02036c10 e3a00020
*"X" to walk on water
927fffa8 fbff0000
823fdff8 fbff0000
da000000 023fdffa
d4000000 00000001
d7000000 023fdffa
d2000000 00000000
d3000000 027fffa8
f23fdff8 00000002
d2000000 00000000
923fdffa fffe0000
02036c10 e2000020
d0000000 00000000
923fdffa fffe0001
02036c10 e2000000
d0000000 00000000
*"Start+Select" to freeze the game (Easier debug mode!
94000130 fff30000
2201a878 00000001
*Skip the start intro (New Game)
220960e8 000000ff
*Bounce and Pounce minigame infinite lives
22135f2c 00000003
*"L+R+Up" for SuperMushroom (Best effect without ""X" to walk on waker")
94000130 fcbf0000
023fdff8 00000001
d0000000 00000000
94000130 fc7f0000
023fdff8 00000000
d0000000 00000000
523fdff8 00000001
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
10000080 00003000
10000084 00003000
10000088 00003000
d3000000 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
10000672 00000008
200006b3 00000001
d2000000 00000000
*"A+Start" to walk under water
94000130 fff60000
823fdffc fff60000
da000000 023fdffe
d4000000 00000001
d7000000 023fdffe
d2000000 00000000
d3000000 04000130
f23fdffc 00000002
d2000000 00000000
923fdffe fff60000
02038b00 0a00000a
d0000000 00000000
923fdffe fff60001
02038b00 ea00000a
d0000000 00000000
*Always walk under water
da000000 023fdffe
d4000000 00000001
d7000000 023fdffe
d2000000 00000000
d3000000 04000130
f23fdffc 00000002
d2000000 00000000
02038b00 0a00000a
d0000000 00000000
02038b00 ea00000a
d0000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000080
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000080
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000084
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000084
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000088
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000088
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000080
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000080
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000084
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000084
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000088
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000088
d2000000 00000000
*Press "Y+L" to fall up (Though roof)
94000130 fcff0100
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
d9000000 00000010
d4000000 00004000
d6000000 00000010
d2000000 00000000
*Press "Y+R" to fall down (Through Floor)
94000130 fcff0200
927fffa8 f7ff0000
62094aa8 00000000
b2094aa8 00000000
d9000000 00000010
d4000000 ffffe000
d6000000 00000010
d2000000 00000000
Best Codes:
+Press B To Moon Jump (Fast)
92096b5c fffd0002
0217f760 00030000
d0000000 00000000
92096b5c fffd0002
0216e380 00030000
d0000000 00000000
*Water Everywhere
02036c10 e3a00020
+"L+A+Left"=Grow "R+A+Right"=Shrink
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000080
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000080
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000084
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000084
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 ddde0000
d9000000 00000088
d4000000 00000005
d6000000 00000088
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000080
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000080
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000084
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000084
d2000000 00000000
62094a90 00000000
b2094a90 00000000
94000130 eeee0000
d9000000 00000088
d4000000 fffffffb
d6000000 00000088
d2000000 00000000